Sport Impact offer a range of CPD from whole day conferences to individual school staff meetings. Key partnerships with organisations such as The Youth Sport Trust, Get Set 4 PE and Teach Active allow us to continually provide training and support that is bespoke and at the cutting edge.
Our staff provide mentoring support to subject leaders to help them make the most effective curriculum choices and development for the needs of the school.
We particularly pride ourselves on our in-school training of individual teachers which has been nationally recognized. Over 350 members of staff have completed feedback that shows the effectiveness of this in their ability to teach high quality PE and the positive results this has for their pupils.
Please see our satisfaction survey results below along with a list of services we offer.

How confident were you about delivering high quality and highly active PE lessons BEFORE the programme with Sport Impact?

How confident were you about delivering high quality and highly active PE lessons AFTER the programme with Sport Impact?

What do we offer?

Teacher Support- Demonstration Lessons/Individual/Whole Staff Inset
Sport Impact are able to offer a range of services that upskill all teachers from TAs, NQTs to more experienced practitioners. We have outstanding expertise in this area as the team are qualified, highly experienced teachers. Using both practical applications and academic theory, we take great pride in our ability to offer this exceptional service. Our partner schools highly value this service as we are able to make a real impact whilst helping the school raise the quality of their curriculum PE.

Navigation of resources
We have access to a plethora of resources that we use to inspire and empower schools to develop physical activity within their school community.

Curriculum Planning & Mapping
We work collaboratively with our schools to raise standards in PE, not just through delivery, but through detailed planning. Our advice is based on up to date National Curriculum guidelines bespoke to each school’s unique circumstances. We focus on the local and national landscape to always ensure high quality.

Teacher Mentoring and Lesson Support
Our strategic approach allows us to offer bespoke services, including teacher mentoring and lesson support. Our team are highly-skilled experienced mentors who work closely with teachers to improve their knowledge, skills and understanding in the delivery of PE. We will work closely with teachers ensuring they have a support programme designed to meet their specific needs.

Engage with different partners
Through our desire to meet our mission statement where we ‘build relationships, developing the whole child and supporting whole school improvement’; we recognise that engagement with our partners is crucial and is at the heart of what we do. We take great pride in our legacy and have an extensive network of partners that enable us to offer a wide range of benefits unique to our partnership.

Teach Active
New to 2020, we have developed a fantastic relationship with Teach Active- an online Maths and English resource providing active lesson plans and resources. Depending on your service package, we are able to offer this programme with a variety of subsidised discounts. We are delighted to be able to currently offer membership to our Gold and Silver schools FREE of charge. Active Maths and Active English are a key focus of this programme. Our staff are able to help you embed this into your school.
Benefits of our curriculum services include:
- School Reports and Surveys
- Results and Data analysis
- Whole Staff INSET
- 1 to 1 Support
- Action Planning and Review
- Modelling
- Staff Surveys